RIGHT or LEFT ? Which is the Best ?

 Hi Biomeds ✋

Wondering on what we are going to discuss today ? 

Right or Left ? Which is the Best ? 

Let me Make it Simple !

The topic is about "Blood Pressure". Yes, we all know about the term Blood Pressure. But, here we are not going to explain the old and already known concept of What is a BP or BP machine? .

The question is very simple. "Are we measuring BP in a right way ?"

Many of us have seen , doctors measuring BP to our parents, friends and sometimes even ourselves.

Have you ever thought ? Measuring BP value using Sphygmomanometer is exactly the same as the actual value ? and Most predominantly, Why  Left hand is chosen for measuring BP ?

If you also have such kind of questions in your mind, then keep reading this article. 👀📖

Here are the answers to the question.👇

Does the Sphygmomanometer reading is same as actual BP reading ?

    No. This is due to the fact that Sphygmomanometer is an apparatus used for measuring Blood Pressure (BP) non invasively. This value will differ from the invasive blood pressure monitoring. You may ask , then why do we use sphygmomanometer for measuring BP ?. Well, Sphygmomanometer will never show you the wrong value. Instead, the accuracy rate is less compared to invasive monitoring. Invasive Blood Pressure monitoring is required only during certain conditions when the patient is critical. For example , in case of a brain injury or undergoing complex surgeries. Therefore, Sphygmomanometer reading is much better and is enough in monitoring a normal person. 

Now, let's discuss with the next question.  Why most predominantly Left hand is chosen for measuring BP ?

    Actually, one myth behind this is left hand arteries are very near to heart, so the measurement will exactly reflect the blood pressure in the heart. Without analysis, whether its true or not, many of us accepted it and keep working in the same way. Recent study says that BP can be measured in both the hands for every patients and the interesting thing is that the measurement in both hands may give different values. When the difference between the BP readings of right arm and left arm is up to 5 points i.e. 10mm Hg then it is considered as normal. If the difference in value varies more than 10 then the patient is said to have an abnormal health condition. Researcher's say that the hand with high value of BP reading is taken for further references. In this condition, right arm BP is slightly greater than left arm BP reading. Therefore, blood pressure (BP) can be measured in both the arms with proper analysis and produce valuable results. 

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